September 2-5, 2014
Planet Hollywood Resort
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Final Program available - High-class Panel Discussion confirmed - Google's Paul Eremenko to give Banquet Speech - Only few Hoover Dam Tour Tickets left - Some Sponsorship Opportunities still available......

A Design Track is introduced to encourage engineers in SoC industry to present their work and share their knowledge on issues and solutions in the development of SoC designs.
SOCC 2014 will also feature Special Sessions on hot topics in the SoC arena. If you are interested in organizing a Special Session, please contact the Technical Program Chairs.
To advance SoC research and training and enrich students’ experience in their academic professions, SOCC 2014 will offer student grant including Student Travel Grant and Student Tutorial School Grant with generous support from IEEE CAS Society Outreach Initiative and some industry sponsors. The SOCC Student Grant will enable us to cover students’ registration fees and travel fare within the limit. In particular, the student travel award will be available to student authors to encourage them to attend the conference and present their work. The SoC Tech Tutorial School will offer graduate students the opportunity to participate in a full day intensive lectures on SoC research and development. The school program will feature a series of tutorials from renowned industry experts and academic researchers. The number and amount of the awards will be determined based on the number of eligible applicants and the availability of funds.

We thank all authors who have already submitted their papers for IEEE SOCC 2014.
Due to numerous requests from authors and because of the Easter holidays in many places, we are extending the submission deadline to

Friday, May 2.  

This final extension provides another two weeks for new paper submissions, and for revisions of already submitted papers. Please be aware that this deadline is final and no submissions or revisions will be accepted after this date.

arrow Early registration cutoff date: Aug. 1, 2014
arrowTech Tutorial School Grant
           application due:
Aug. 6, 2014


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