IEEE SOCC is sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.
Call For Sponsorship and Exhibitions
The IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC) has 26 years of history following the development of SoC technology and design. During this time the conference has been, and remains, the premier forum for sharing advances in system-onchip (SoC) technologies, designs, tools, test, verification and applications. The conference attracts approximately 150-250 experts in SoC design and development from across the world and features approximately 100 technical paper and poster presentations by top researchers and industry teams, along with tutorials, special sessions, and panel sessions where hot topics in the SoC arena are debated. The conference is an ideal networking and collaboration opportunity for people from industry, academia, and research institutes worldwide.
Register Early! Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities are limited.
For more information, please download our Call for Sponsorship and contact
Karan Bhatia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), IEEE SOCC2014 Sponsorship/Exhibitions Chair.
Distinguished Speakers
TOM BECKLEYSenior Vice President of R&D |
SCOTT RUNNERVP of Advanced Methodologies and Low-Power Design |
J. THOMAS PAWLOWSKIFellow and Chief Technologist |
Jeffrey D. BrownDistinguished Engineer, Emerging Product Development |
PAUL EREMENKODirector, Project Ara |